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Modding your Subie Info Night - Village Green Hotel

  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Village Green Hotel, cnr Springvale & Ferntree Gully Rds, Mulgrave VIC, 3170


Registration is closed

 Modding and Looking after your street Subaru

After our AGM (Annual General Meeting), we will also be running info night for members to hear and share experiences, tips and tricks related to looking after and modifying your Subaru. 

This night will be focused on street registered cars,  and won't be covering motorsport or track specific items. We will do that as a separate evening in the future. 

Note: All advice is general in nature only, and you should always consult your factory service manual and road authority (Vicroads)  

Where & When

Thursday 19th September at from 6:30pm at the Village Green Hotel, in the Fox Room

We will provide some finger food, and for those who want dinner, it can be ordered and delivered to the room

Please note, we will start as soon as the official AGM concludes. 


How we will run the session

Last time we ran this event, it was hugely popular and a general Q&A forum worked really well with people being able to ask questions on a range of topics and anybody from the group could provide their insight and experience. 

The two main areas we will focus on are:

  • Looking after your Subaru
  • Modifications

Note: We intend on running a specific night specifically on motorsport safety and motorsport performance mods later this year. 

Looking after your street Subaru

  • What's involved in basic service
  • Finding and reading your factory service manual
  • What consumables do you need and what should you look for in the consumables. 
  • What basic tools do you need to do this
  • What tools can you do without, but make it easier
  • Tips and tricks
  • Gotcha's. Learn from others mistakes

Modifying your street Subaru

  • What mods are worth doing and why
  • What should you look for when choosing these mods
  • What mods have dependencies. Eg. Don't buy this without first doing this... 
  • What tools do you need to fit these mods
  • What tools can you do without, but make it easier
  • Tips and tricks on fitment
  • Gotcha's. Learn from others mistakes

Ideas for the Night

If you have anything specific that you want covered, either specific mods or maintenance items then please let us know either on Facebook or to president@wrx.com.au

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