There is a lot to get through, but all of the information is important and being familiar with it will make your day enjoyable and as safe as possible. If you have any questions, please let us know via email.
You MUST read the supplementary regulations below, these have been recently heavily revised so make sure even if you are a regular you read them carefully.
We also have prepared a guide to motorsport, we recommend every entrant, especially if you are new to track days to have a read
Supplementary Regulations
Guide to Motorsport
When & Where:
7am till 5pm 23rd August 2024
Broadford Road Circuit
What do you need to enter:
Club members get significant discounts to all track days
If you register from 19th August
Your vehicle:
What you must do before the event:
What you must do when you arrive at the event:
During the day:
Food & Drink:
Garages are on a first in first serve basis and cannot be booked. Garages are free though.
If you have any questions at all, please contact or you can message us on Facebook